Woden Contractors has been involved with all manner of civil engineering projects including:
- The multi-award winning bridging of Kings Avenue over Parkes Way, project valued at $25 million. This project was undertaken with traffic movements numbering in excess of 20,000 per day.
- The $100 million Gungahlin Drive Extension (in conjunction with the two other local Joint Venture partners – although the Glenloch Interchange contract of this project was managed wholly by Woden Contractors).
- The entire Jerrabomberra residential development for 3,500 housing blocks on the outskirts of Queanbeyan, which included trunk sewer, watermain and road facilities plus sewer pumping stations, steel water reservoirs, playing fields, school sites and a major urban lake, over a 20 year period.
- Molonglo Link Bridge project including a 243m incrementally launched concrete box girder bridge, the longest ever built in the ACT, and associated 2,992m of large diameter trunk sewer. The project won many local local awards and also the National MBA Award for Civil Works under $25 Million.
- Fyshwick to Watson 250mm welded high pressure steel gas main (approx. 15.8km).
- Bowen Place Crossing project which involved the construction of 2 Bridges on Bowen Drive in the Parliamentary Triangle providing a safe path for pedestrians and cyclists. Winner of the ACT 2016 CCF Earth Award – Project Value $5 Million to $10 Million category and the 2016 ACT Master Builders and Asset Construction Hire Excellence Award – Civil Other category.
- Molonglo 3 Roads and Intersections - Winner of the ACT 2020 CCF Earth Award – Project Value $10 Million to $30 Million category and the 2020 ACT Master Builders and Asset Construction Hire Excellence Award – Civil Roadworks category. Works involved 120,000m3 of earthworks, 900m of 600mm Watermain, 64m Box Culvert Crossing, and 3km of Major Shared Trench
- Gundaroo Drive Dulication Stage 2 - Winner of the ACT 2021 CCF Earth Award – Project Value $10 Million to $30 Million category and the 2021 ACT Master Builders and Asset Construction Hire Excellence Award – Civil Roadworks and Civil Bridgeworks categories. Works involved the construction widening and duplication of 2x bebo arch bridges and an existing plank bridge, placement of 15,300 tonnes of Asphalt, and complex traffic management managing in excess of 40,000 vehicles per day.

Current Projects
- Denman Prospect North - Package 2 (commenced Jun 2022)
- 'The Fields' - Murrumbateman - Multiple Stages ongoing (commenced Jan 2021)
- Gundaroo Drive Duplication Package B (commenced Jan 2022)
- Jacka Estate Stage 1C (commenced Feb 2023)
- Monaro Highway Upgrade - Package 1B (commenced December 2023)